Author ID: 1

A Day in Court

Luis Vega


Father of two, writer and photographer. I'm into technology, life hacking, movies, and my family.

2 Responses

  1. Wally says:

    At least take solace in the knowledge he remains incarcerated. He will remain locked up until his competency is resolved and still have to serve time for the original charge. He is not insane, so the burden falls on the psych evaluators to get his sentencing back on track. Rob is merely avoiding the inevitable with this approach.

  2. Rachel Hyatt says:

    Gillespie and his wife are a pair of rude, self serving, self righteous, egotistical animals. I had the misfortune of being their immediate neighbor for almost 2 years. If this guy is let loose it won’t be long before he takes another victim. His long history of drug abuse should be reason enough for the judge to throw the book at him!

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